Daily Archives: February 27, 2014

Week 5: Title Screen And Buttons!
OK so we got 2 more weeks until our Beta-Deadline, uh i can feel it closing in!
I wanted to plan everything so that we don’t miss out on the stuff we need to add to our game, i got the tip from our SCRUM-Master, Lee. Lee is a third year student and works as a mentor to us, he has done some projects before us and been the “Producer”. He asked me about how i keep track on our progress […]

Week 5: Title Screen And Buttons!
OK so we got 2 more weeks until our Beta-Deadline, uh i can feel it closing in!
I wanted to plan everything so that we don’t miss out on the stuff we need to add to our game, i got the tip from our SCRUM-Master, Lee. Lee is a third year student and works as a mentor to us, he has done some projects before us and been the “Producer”. He asked me about how i keep track on our progress […]

Menus and fonts!
Hello again and welcome back to my blog!
This week I took a break from animations, mostly because we are done with all the animations for the game. We also noticed that we could get done with all the art and graphics for the game if we just did a bit more work then what we usually during a during a week. So I and Nils decided that we were going to finish all the art this week so we can […]

Menus and fonts!
Hello again and welcome back to my blog!
This week I took a break from animations, mostly because we are done with all the animations for the game. We also noticed that we could get done with all the art and graphics for the game if we just did a bit more work then what we usually during a during a week. So I and Nils decided that we were going to finish all the art this week so we can […]

Menus and fonts!
Hello again and welcome back to my blog!
This week I took a break from animations, mostly because we are done with all the animations for the game. We also noticed that we could get done with all the art and graphics for the game if we just did a bit more work then what we usually during a during a week. So I and Nils decided that we were going to finish all the art this week so we can […]

Menus and fonts!
Hello again and welcome back to my blog!
This week I took a break from animations, mostly because we are done with all the animations for the game. We also noticed that we could get done with all the art and graphics for the game if we just did a bit more work then what we usually during a during a week. So I and Nils decided that we were going to finish all the art this week so we can […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-27
About two weeks ago I finished the animation for a creature in the game called a “wall monster”, or “Waller” for short. Rather early in the project we decided to give the player a candle that would be their source of light. If the candle was blown out it would become dark around the player, making it harder to navigate and avoid the enemies. At first we thought about having the light go out if the player sprinted for too […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-27
About two weeks ago I finished the animation for a creature in the game called a “wall monster”, or “Waller” for short. Rather early in the project we decided to give the player a candle that would be their source of light. If the candle was blown out it would become dark around the player, making it harder to navigate and avoid the enemies. At first we thought about having the light go out if the player sprinted for too […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-27
About two weeks ago I finished the animation for a creature in the game called a “wall monster”, or “Waller” for short. Rather early in the project we decided to give the player a candle that would be their source of light. If the candle was blown out it would become dark around the player, making it harder to navigate and avoid the enemies. At first we thought about having the light go out if the player sprinted for too […]

Project Haunted Light 14-02-27
About two weeks ago I finished the animation for a creature in the game called a “wall monster”, or “Waller” for short. Rather early in the project we decided to give the player a candle that would be their source of light. If the candle was blown out it would become dark around the player, making it harder to navigate and avoid the enemies. At first we thought about having the light go out if the player sprinted for too […]

Artifact : Parallax
Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines. – Wikipedia
As you can see in the picture the object overlap each other depending on what the cameras position in relation to the objects.
And now here is an overview on how my layers are. […]

Artifact : Parallax
Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines. – Wikipedia
As you can see in the picture the object overlap each other depending on what the cameras position in relation to the objects.
And now here is an overview on how my layers are. […]

Reflektion av veckansk arbete: Vecka 3
Denna vecka har jag arbetat med att göra en options meny, vilket var krångligare än jag förväntat mig. Tanken är att det ska finns två sorters volymkontroller, en för musik och en för ljudeffekter. Det ska också gå att välja mellan windowed och fullscreen. Som jag skrev förra veckan så hade vi inte valt någon font till spelet. Vilket gjorde att min första mockup är gjord med en font som jag fann på fontsquirrle. Den heter Dosis och ni finner […]

Reflektion av veckansk arbete: Vecka 3
Denna vecka har jag arbetat med att göra en options meny, vilket var krångligare än jag förväntat mig. Tanken är att det ska finns två sorters volymkontroller, en för musik och en för ljudeffekter. Det ska också gå att välja mellan windowed och fullscreen. Som jag skrev förra veckan så hade vi inte valt någon font till spelet. Vilket gjorde att min första mockup är gjord med en font som jag fann på fontsquirrle. Den heter Dosis och ni finner […]

Game Project week 6
This week has been a bit hectic, due to that we had an extra lecture in our other course so some time was lost and I haven’t been able to put down as much work as I wanted this week. But still I have been able to get some things done.
I have been working on the graphics for the rooms, we have the layout and design finished so now we are able to make them look like we want them […]

Game Project week 6
This week has been a bit hectic, due to that we had an extra lecture in our other course so some time was lost and I haven’t been able to put down as much work as I wanted this week. But still I have been able to get some things done.
I have been working on the graphics for the rooms, we have the layout and design finished so now we are able to make them look like we want them […]

Some opinions about how out game is designed
Well this is a hard one to find something to write about, because I’ve been sick for a couple of days and when I’ve been here and worked I’ve pretty much only been working on the Customization screen, and I don’t really have anything interesting to say about that again. What I can say though is that a lot of it works right now.
So I’ll take this time to write a bit about my opinions on the game-design and what […]

Some opinions about how out game is designed
Well this is a hard one to find something to write about, because I’ve been sick for a couple of days and when I’ve been here and worked I’ve pretty much only been working on the Customization screen, and I don’t really have anything interesting to say about that again. What I can say though is that a lot of it works right now.
So I’ll take this time to write a bit about my opinions on the game-design and what […]

University Projects: Environmental Design Continued!
Hello Everyone!
Still working on the project With Intent as it is now called and it’s been solidly going forward and this week I’ve been working even more on the environmental design. For me this week has been a pretty repetitive week, as I’ve been adding and cleaning up the rooms from last week to a map.
So I started out working on a corridor frame on top of a large background picture. To create all the corridors on the level I’ve […]

University Projects: Environmental Design Continued!
Hello Everyone!
Still working on the project With Intent as it is now called and it’s been solidly going forward and this week I’ve been working even more on the environmental design. For me this week has been a pretty repetitive week, as I’ve been adding and cleaning up the rooms from last week to a map.
So I started out working on a corridor frame on top of a large background picture. To create all the corridors on the level I’ve […]

The Morker
Originally we planned to have two types of ranged enemies in our game. The first, labeled “the Workers” were supposed to stand faced against the wall, not noticing the player until they were attacked. When this happens, they would swarm the player and try to shoot her down. The second type of enemy was to be a flying moth character, that would fly around in random patterns, making him a difficult target, while at the same time firing down at […]

The Morker
Originally we planned to have two types of ranged enemies in our game. The first, labeled “the Workers” were supposed to stand faced against the wall, not noticing the player until they were attacked. When this happens, they would swarm the player and try to shoot her down. The second type of enemy was to be a flying moth character, that would fly around in random patterns, making him a difficult target, while at the same time firing down at […]

The Frames Who Came to Life
Well, more specifically animations, which are by definition a collection of frames that creates movement and there by gives the character life. So yeah, that is what I have been doing this week, amongst other things such as sound effects and the like.
So who, what, and how have I animated? Mothgomery of course, our glorious moth leader, Mothgomery the king, Mothgomery the magnificent, Mothgomery… the vile. The moth playing dictator, sitting on his throne letting his minions do all the […]

The Frames Who Came to Life
Well, more specifically animations, which are by definition a collection of frames that creates movement and there by gives the character life. So yeah, that is what I have been doing this week, amongst other things such as sound effects and the like.
So who, what, and how have I animated? Mothgomery of course, our glorious moth leader, Mothgomery the king, Mothgomery the magnificent, Mothgomery… the vile. The moth playing dictator, sitting on his throne letting his minions do all the […]