Daily Archives: February 27, 2014

Soundmanager in FMOD

You could read in a earlier post about my troubles with SFML and the sound which basically made it really annoying to use.
So this week I’ve spent making a new soundmanager in the library FMOD which was suggested to me by Tommi the programming teacher.
Using this library has been harder then I initially suspected since it’s very different from anything I’ve coded in before.

But there is very good documentation for the library even if it takes a while to […]

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Program: Programming

Soundmanager in FMOD

You could read in a earlier post about my troubles with SFML and the sound which basically made it really annoying to use.
So this week I’ve spent making a new soundmanager in the library FMOD which was suggested to me by Tommi the programming teacher.
Using this library has been harder then I initially suspected since it’s very different from anything I’ve coded in before.

But there is very good documentation for the library even if it takes a while to […]

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Program: Programming

Reflektion av veckansk arbete: Vecka 3

Denna vecka har jag arbetat med att göra en options meny, vilket var krångligare än jag förväntat mig. Tanken är att det ska finns två sorters volymkontroller, en för musik och en för ljudeffekter. Det ska också gå att välja mellan windowed och fullscreen. Som jag skrev förra veckan så hade vi inte valt någon font till spelet. Vilket gjorde att min första mockup är gjord med en font som jag fann på fontsquirrle. Den heter Dosis och ni finner […]

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Program: Graphics

Reflektion av veckansk arbete: Vecka 3

Denna vecka har jag arbetat med att göra en options meny, vilket var krångligare än jag förväntat mig. Tanken är att det ska finns två sorters volymkontroller, en för musik och en för ljudeffekter. Det ska också gå att välja mellan windowed och fullscreen. Som jag skrev förra veckan så hade vi inte valt någon font till spelet. Vilket gjorde att min första mockup är gjord med en font som jag fann på fontsquirrle. Den heter Dosis och ni finner […]

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Program: Graphics

Some opinions about how out game is designed

Well this is a hard one to find something to write about, because I’ve been sick for a couple of days and when I’ve been here and worked I’ve pretty much only been working on the Customization screen, and I don’t really have anything interesting to say about that again. What I can say though is that a lot of it works right now.
So I’ll take this time to write a bit about my opinions on the game-design and what […]

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Program: Programming

Some opinions about how out game is designed

Well this is a hard one to find something to write about, because I’ve been sick for a couple of days and when I’ve been here and worked I’ve pretty much only been working on the Customization screen, and I don’t really have anything interesting to say about that again. What I can say though is that a lot of it works right now.
So I’ll take this time to write a bit about my opinions on the game-design and what […]

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Program: Programming

Game Project week 6

This week has been a bit hectic, due to that we had an extra lecture in our other course so some time was lost and I haven’t been able to put down as much work as I wanted this week. But still I have been able to get some things done.
I have been working on the graphics for the rooms, we have the layout and design finished so now we are able to make them look like we want them […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Project week 6

This week has been a bit hectic, due to that we had an extra lecture in our other course so some time was lost and I haven’t been able to put down as much work as I wanted this week. But still I have been able to get some things done.
I have been working on the graphics for the rooms, we have the layout and design finished so now we are able to make them look like we want them […]

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Program: Graphics

Better colliders. Artifact 3

I repaired the CollisionManager. It was broke. I dont want to talk about it.
From yesterday though:
When the player fish and an enemy collides, two things will happen in this game right now:
1. The player receives experience points. These are what will make the Player grow and level up though out the game.
2. The enemy will be eaten. In other words both the enemy collider and the enemy object, carrying a sprite and some functions get deleted.
(Enemy object are not discussed in […]

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Program: Programming

Better colliders. Artifact 3

I repaired the CollisionManager. It was broke. I dont want to talk about it.
From yesterday though:
When the player fish and an enemy collides, two things will happen in this game right now:
1. The player receives experience points. These are what will make the Player grow and level up though out the game.
2. The enemy will be eaten. In other words both the enemy collider and the enemy object, carrying a sprite and some functions get deleted.
(Enemy object are not discussed in […]

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Program: Programming

University Projects: Environmental Design Continued!

Hello Everyone!
Still working on the project With Intent as it is now called and it’s been solidly going forward and this week I’ve been working even more on the environmental design. For me this week has been a pretty repetitive week, as I’ve been adding and cleaning up the rooms from last week to a map.
So I started out working on a corridor frame on top of a large background picture. To create all the corridors on the level I’ve […]

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Program: Graphics

University Projects: Environmental Design Continued!

Hello Everyone!
Still working on the project With Intent as it is now called and it’s been solidly going forward and this week I’ve been working even more on the environmental design. For me this week has been a pretty repetitive week, as I’ve been adding and cleaning up the rooms from last week to a map.
So I started out working on a corridor frame on top of a large background picture. To create all the corridors on the level I’ve […]

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Program: Graphics

Still Working.

So this week I was supposed to do the animations but I was still not pleased with the sprites and I was also told that the spy should not have a hat any more. This was decided because there was people that did not understand the hat or something like that. I heard that some thought that it looked like a bicycle helmet and that I can agree with that. The down bumps in the hat looked like the holes […]

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Program: Graphics

Still Working.

So this week I was supposed to do the animations but I was still not pleased with the sprites and I was also told that the spy should not have a hat any more. This was decided because there was people that did not understand the hat or something like that. I heard that some thought that it looked like a bicycle helmet and that I can agree with that. The down bumps in the hat looked like the holes […]

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Program: Graphics

AI for the bosses

Even though I have been home with a fever this week I have tried to do some work from home. I have been drawing some sort of flowcharts over the three bosses AI. The boss I am going to start with when it comes to code is the final boss, Mothgomery. This because if we run out of time we think this is the most important one for the game. He is the “emperor of the suit” who started the […]

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Program: Programming

AI for the bosses

Even though I have been home with a fever this week I have tried to do some work from home. I have been drawing some sort of flowcharts over the three bosses AI. The boss I am going to start with when it comes to code is the final boss, Mothgomery. This because if we run out of time we think this is the most important one for the game. He is the “emperor of the suit” who started the […]

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Program: Programming

The colour of life

This week has been a not so productive week for me, nevertheless a very important week. Up to now we haven’t had any style guide or anything at all to look at while making art in order to make different components to work together and look good. But when Ida made a mood board in the end of last week we finally started to get a common visual goal on what we wanted to achieve.
So this week we have had more […]

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Program: Graphics

The colour of life

This week has been a not so productive week for me, nevertheless a very important week. Up to now we haven’t had any style guide or anything at all to look at while making art in order to make different components to work together and look good. But when Ida made a mood board in the end of last week we finally started to get a common visual goal on what we wanted to achieve.
So this week we have had more […]

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Program: Graphics

The colour of life

This week has been a not so productive week for me, nevertheless a very important week. Up to now we haven’t had any style guide or anything at all to look at while making art in order to make different components to work together and look good. But when Ida made a mood board in the end of last week we finally started to get a common visual goal on what we wanted to achieve.
So this week we have had more […]

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Program: Graphics

The colour of life

This week has been a not so productive week for me, nevertheless a very important week. Up to now we haven’t had any style guide or anything at all to look at while making art in order to make different components to work together and look good. But when Ida made a mood board in the end of last week we finally started to get a common visual goal on what we wanted to achieve.
So this week we have had more […]

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Program: Graphics

10 Week Project – Post 3 – Why U No Walk?

In previous posts I’ve written about how the player should be introduced to the game world and now it’s time to start to think about how to introduce the mechanics to the player.
All of our mechanics should be introduced in the tutorial level, but how? The mechanics that needs to be introduced are:

Knock Out

The first one and most essential is probably movement, so we’re going to start with that one.
I’ve discussed our minimal HUD and GUI before, so we need […]

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Program: Graphics

10 Week Project – Post 3 – Why U No Walk?

In previous posts I’ve written about how the player should be introduced to the game world and now it’s time to start to think about how to introduce the mechanics to the player.
All of our mechanics should be introduced in the tutorial level, but how? The mechanics that needs to be introduced are:

Knock Out

The first one and most essential is probably movement, so we’re going to start with that one.
I’ve discussed our minimal HUD and GUI before, so we need […]

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Program: Graphics

Game dev, Suit’em up – Customization menu and textile (pickups) manager

We are preparing for a play testing with friends and family. Some things need to be added before that and one of them is the customization menu.
I have worked hard on revising the menu. To explain what it does: In our game there are four different textile pickups that are scattered throughout the world. These can be equipped into four slots in the customization menu.
Previously, the menu looked like this:

In this old menu, you had to press one of […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – Customization menu and textile (pickups) manager

We are preparing for a play testing with friends and family. Some things need to be added before that and one of them is the customization menu.
I have worked hard on revising the menu. To explain what it does: In our game there are four different textile pickups that are scattered throughout the world. These can be equipped into four slots in the customization menu.
Previously, the menu looked like this:

In this old menu, you had to press one of […]

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Program: Programming