Daily Archives: February 13, 2014

It’s alive!! Or something…

So here we are, a blog, appearently… Have to write one says my teachers, good for reflection. I suppose. That it’s several months late in starting is of course a bit unfortunate.This blog will contain reflections on my studies in game programming. This will certainly be fun.

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Program: Programming

It’s alive!! Or something…

So here we are, a blog, appearently… Have to write one says my teachers, good for reflection. I suppose. That it’s several months late in starting is of course a bit unfortunate.This blog will contain reflections on my studies in game programming. This will certainly be fun.

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Program: Programming

Suit Em Up Dev Post 3 & Stuff

The most work I did on the project yesterday was to write the Enemy classes. That’s not to say I did absolutley nothing else, we also had a workshop featuring Marika Bogren that was about the different ways people have been represented by their gender in art and by extension other media. It was kinda fun and very interesting, gender roles and how we decide to show the gender in media is somehow a rather fascinating subject that could do […]

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Program: Programming

Suit Em Up Dev Post 3 & Stuff

The most work I did on the project yesterday was to write the Enemy classes. That’s not to say I did absolutley nothing else, we also had a workshop featuring Marika Bogren that was about the different ways people have been represented by their gender in art and by extension other media. It was kinda fun and very interesting, gender roles and how we decide to show the gender in media is somehow a rather fascinating subject that could do […]

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Program: Programming

1st & 2nd week of project work

It’s the second week of the game project and even though parts of the team came down with a cold during these two weeks it has worked well.
I got assigned the task of making the idle sprites and first walk animation for the player character and enemy character in this game. Since the game is in top-down perspective I had to look around for references from other games and their solutions to the top-down graphic problem before working.
It’s very difficult […]

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Program: Graphics

1st & 2nd week of project work

It’s the second week of the game project and even though parts of the team came down with a cold during these two weeks it has worked well.
I got assigned the task of making the idle sprites and first walk animation for the player character and enemy character in this game. Since the game is in top-down perspective I had to look around for references from other games and their solutions to the top-down graphic problem before working.
It’s very difficult […]

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Program: Graphics

1st & 2nd week of project work

It’s the second week of the game project and even though parts of the team came down with a cold during these two weeks it has worked well.
I got assigned the task of making the idle sprites and first walk animation for the player character and enemy character in this game. Since the game is in top-down perspective I had to look around for references from other games and their solutions to the top-down graphic problem before working.
It’s very difficult […]

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Program: Graphics

1st & 2nd week of project work

It’s the second week of the game project and even though parts of the team came down with a cold during these two weeks it has worked well.
I got assigned the task of making the idle sprites and first walk animation for the player character and enemy character in this game. Since the game is in top-down perspective I had to look around for references from other games and their solutions to the top-down graphic problem before working.
It’s very difficult […]

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Program: Graphics

The Guard.

In our game the enemy is guards that patrol the building that the spy infiltrate. The guards are equipped with batons and or a gun. They also carry keycards and noisemakers all of these things the spy can obtain by killing the guard. But its difficult to kill the guards since they can hear footsteps if the spy dose not sneak and they got a line of sight that is displayed by the light from the flashlight that they carry. […]

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Program: Graphics

The Guard.

In our game the enemy is guards that patrol the building that the spy infiltrate. The guards are equipped with batons and or a gun. They also carry keycards and noisemakers all of these things the spy can obtain by killing the guard. But its difficult to kill the guards since they can hear footsteps if the spy dose not sneak and they got a line of sight that is displayed by the light from the flashlight that they carry. […]

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Program: Graphics

Level design of suit em’ up

This is the level design for our game, which is based on the concept called Suit ‘em Up. After a couple of discussions within the group this is the design that we have determined to work with.

It’s an open world game and the player can go anywhere in the world at any time he or she wants. The player starts in an open area then follows a narrow path down the suit. The purpose of this is to make the […]

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Program: Graphics

Level design of suit em’ up

This is the level design for our game, which is based on the concept called Suit ‘em Up. After a couple of discussions within the group this is the design that we have determined to work with.

It’s an open world game and the player can go anywhere in the world at any time he or she wants. The player starts in an open area then follows a narrow path down the suit. The purpose of this is to make the […]

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Program: Graphics

Animation process

I thought I would use my first blog post for this course to explain my work process of making an animation, and which animation principles I value most while animating.
For reference, I spent three years learning animation in gymnasium, and mainly studied traditional animation on paper. I create, sketch out and color my animations in Photoshop, the only other program I use is Paint Tool SAI, for line work.
My group is creating a game in which you play as a […]

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Program: Graphics

Animation process

I thought I would use my first blog post for this course to explain my work process of making an animation, and which animation principles I value most while animating.
For reference, I spent three years learning animation in gymnasium, and mainly studied traditional animation on paper. I create, sketch out and color my animations in Photoshop, the only other program I use is Paint Tool SAI, for line work.
My group is creating a game in which you play as a […]

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Program: Graphics

Weekly update 2014-02-13

This week has been the most productive week in our projects lifetime.
We have inplemented and finished the vision fields that our guards and cameras will have.
We have also updated our maploader with some extra features which I will talk about here:

Loading objects(rectangles):
Because we don’t check collision with single tiles, we “merge” together the tiles collision boxes in order to make the game optimized. This is also used for creating spawnpoints or a special
We use this for:

Setting player, guard and camera […]

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Program: Programming

Weekly update 2014-02-13

This week has been the most productive week in our projects lifetime.
We have inplemented and finished the vision fields that our guards and cameras will have.
We have also updated our maploader with some extra features which I will talk about here:

Loading objects(rectangles):
Because we don’t check collision with single tiles, we “merge” together the tiles collision boxes in order to make the game optimized. This is also used for creating spawnpoints or a special
We use this for:

Setting player, guard and camera […]

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Program: Programming


During the first semester, we were, like previously mentioned, put into random groups of 6-7 people. With this group we were destined to complete 2 major assignments over the course of the year; the first was to create a Shoot ‘Em Up game concept, together with Concept Documents, One Page Design documents etc. and then present this concept to the other groups. The reason for this being, that at the start of this semester, we were to pick one of […]

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Program: Graphics


During the first semester, we were, like previously mentioned, put into random groups of 6-7 people. With this group we were destined to complete 2 major assignments over the course of the year; the first was to create a Shoot ‘Em Up game concept, together with Concept Documents, One Page Design documents etc. and then present this concept to the other groups. The reason for this being, that at the start of this semester, we were to pick one of […]

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Program: Graphics

The “Pump meter” Which is the hp bar of sorts for the game.

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Program: Graphics

The “Pump meter” Which is the hp bar of sorts for the game.

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Program: Graphics

First post test


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Program: Graphics

First post test


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Program: Graphics

First post test


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Program: Graphics

First post test


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Program: Graphics