Monthly Archives: January 2014

KreakOut #4 – Bricks shall be shat
A Breakout game without bricks is like a really one-sided Pong match, so now it was time for those!
The main part of the block-script is just a copy of the BallObject, the problem was in getting multiple objects of the same type to work.
As someone that got more experience creating programs, I figured that arrays would do the job. After a lot of tinkering around, we ended up with what seemed like it would work with no errors at all. […]

KreakOut #4 – Bricks shall be shat
A Breakout game without bricks is like a really one-sided Pong match, so now it was time for those!
The main part of the block-script is just a copy of the BallObject, the problem was in getting multiple objects of the same type to work.
As someone that got more experience creating programs, I figured that arrays would do the job. After a lot of tinkering around, we ended up with what seemed like it would work with no errors at all. […]
Bricks, bricks and more BRIIIICKS! Post #3, I believe
So, due to our frustration from yesterday we both forgot to write in our precious blog. The mission of the day was to get our new and shiny bricks to load from a textfile, but it just wouldn’t work. I think we sat there for around 3 hours and we couldn’t understand at all what it was thanks to visual studio not showing any errors either. Thing just wouldn’t build.
But today! Today we came up with the great idea of […]
Bricks, bricks and more BRIIIICKS! Post #3, I believe
So, due to our frustration from yesterday we both forgot to write in our precious blog. The mission of the day was to get our new and shiny bricks to load from a textfile, but it just wouldn’t work. I think we sat there for around 3 hours and we couldn’t understand at all what it was thanks to visual studio not showing any errors either. Thing just wouldn’t build.
But today! Today we came up with the great idea of […]

Line Weight – How to do it and what diffrence it makes
As I was thinking through the constructive criticsism I got from my teacher on my clean line version of my character this morning, this video surprisingly poped up on my subscription feed on youtube. This was just the tutorial I needed since the cricicsism I got was that I hadn’t put any line weight in my drawing and that’s why it came out kind of flat. After watching this video I realized what a diffrence thick and thin lines do […]

Line Weight – How to do it and what diffrence it makes
As I was thinking through the constructive criticsism I got from my teacher on my clean line version of my character this morning, this video surprisingly poped up on my subscription feed on youtube. This was just the tutorial I needed since the cricicsism I got was that I hadn’t put any line weight in my drawing and that’s why it came out kind of flat. After watching this video I realized what a diffrence thick and thin lines do […]
Programming assignment 2014-01-09
We’ve gotten gamestate to work by moving all the processes done in engine regarding the game running into the gamestate. It was almost like writing another engine but just for running the game. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it but we had a sound bug where the bullet sound played a lot of times per button press, this was fixed by adding a keyboard update after the event checker.
Now back to the states, we got a menu working, but […]
Programming assignment 2014-01-09
We’ve gotten gamestate to work by moving all the processes done in engine regarding the game running into the gamestate. It was almost like writing another engine but just for running the game. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it but we had a sound bug where the bullet sound played a lot of times per button press, this was fixed by adding a keyboard update after the event checker.
Now back to the states, we got a menu working, but […]
Game Programming – Assignment day 15
Fixed Gamestate now, when the game starts you go into the gamestate by writing ”new” into the console and press enter, you exit by pressing escape.
Upon exiting the gamestate you are taken back to the console and can write ”new” again to start a new gamestate.
You can also write ”quit” in the console to exit the program altogether.
When pressing space a bullet objects gets positioned right above the player object.
Received some help to get the ”isDOWNonce” function to work properly, […]
Game Programming – Assignment day 15
Fixed Gamestate now, when the game starts you go into the gamestate by writing ”new” into the console and press enter, you exit by pressing escape.
Upon exiting the gamestate you are taken back to the console and can write ”new” again to start a new gamestate.
You can also write ”quit” in the console to exit the program altogether.
When pressing space a bullet objects gets positioned right above the player object.
Received some help to get the ”isDOWNonce” function to work properly, […]
Frogger Dev. Post 18
Had another one of those slow days again. I did make some progress with the pause menu and it should be about halfway done by now. Hopefully I’ll get around to doing it. Also, I’ll need to talk to Herman about synchronising the project again.
Frogger Dev. Post 18
Had another one of those slow days again. I did make some progress with the pause menu and it should be about halfway done by now. Hopefully I’ll get around to doing it. Also, I’ll need to talk to Herman about synchronising the project again.

Programming Project, day 19
Wall of text incoming.
Today I found a small memory leak and fixed it. I think that I have a couple more in each menu state. I’ll look into that in the future. Right now I’m doing some other interesting stuff.
Me and a classmate Anton Larsson Auna checked some code when sitting beside each other in the “game-room”. He has done some interesting stuff and is a baows at programming. His blog:
I’ve made the code so that it now finally supports […]

Programming Project, day 19
Wall of text incoming.
Today I found a small memory leak and fixed it. I think that I have a couple more in each menu state. I’ll look into that in the future. Right now I’m doing some other interesting stuff.
Me and a classmate Anton Larsson Auna checked some code when sitting beside each other in the “game-room”. He has done some interesting stuff and is a baows at programming. His blog:
I’ve made the code so that it now finally supports […]

Im not home yet……
Under the christmas holiday i have been slacking off… alot… and being sick.. no posts has been uploaded as you may have noticed. I have been drawing on my pc for the final assignments but i didnt like the result so i chose to wait until i got it right.. but then again.. i should upload it so that i can compare it with future results. Ill do that for friday. Ill share this picture that i drew on my […]

Im not home yet……
Under the christmas holiday i have been slacking off… alot… and being sick.. no posts has been uploaded as you may have noticed. I have been drawing on my pc for the final assignments but i didnt like the result so i chose to wait until i got it right.. but then again.. i should upload it so that i can compare it with future results. Ill do that for friday. Ill share this picture that i drew on my […]

Next Challenge: Lighting an Environment!
Christmas is over and feels already very distant due to the fast pace life’s back in. I have been working all day on how to render an environment. Between 10 am to 5 pm I practiced this on our assigned environment sketch. Then I have also been looking at a lot of art, interviews and tutorials with artists from modern Disney films among others.
I’ll post a sample of my environment to be able to track my progress, but this is […]

Next Challenge: Lighting an Environment!
Christmas is over and feels already very distant due to the fast pace life’s back in. I have been working all day on how to render an environment. Between 10 am to 5 pm I practiced this on our assigned environment sketch. Then I have also been looking at a lot of art, interviews and tutorials with artists from modern Disney films among others.
I’ll post a sample of my environment to be able to track my progress, but this is […]
Tower Defense, different states
Yesterday I said I was going to work on states, so that’s what I did.
A State is the different states the game can be in, for example: * StartMenuState would be the screen with New Game, High Score, Load Game, Options and Quit/Exit. * GameState would be with the screen where the actual game is played. * GameOverState would show when the game is over due to you losing.
I used a GameStateManager to keep track of what […]
Tower Defense, different states
Yesterday I said I was going to work on states, so that’s what I did.
A State is the different states the game can be in, for example: * StartMenuState would be the screen with New Game, High Score, Load Game, Options and Quit/Exit. * GameState would be with the screen where the actual game is played. * GameOverState would show when the game is over due to you losing.
I used a GameStateManager to keep track of what […]
Day 14,
I met with Stefan today as well, He finished up the sound/music classes and made the basic outline for the SoundManager and MusicManager. I will try to implement them to our project tomorrow.We agreed that Stefan should carry on work on either ball vs ball collision or the animation class.
I didn’t get much done. I worked some with adding TrueTypeFonts to the project so we can display score.I will continue work on the score and how to save and load […]
Day 14,
I met with Stefan today as well, He finished up the sound/music classes and made the basic outline for the SoundManager and MusicManager. I will try to implement them to our project tomorrow.We agreed that Stefan should carry on work on either ball vs ball collision or the animation class.
I didn’t get much done. I worked some with adding TrueTypeFonts to the project so we can display score.I will continue work on the score and how to save and load […]

Lighting and value
The last week before christmas break we continued working on our characters, after some introduction to lighting and values we were tasked to render our line art in grey scale. Some useful things I learned this week was to start with a grey background instead of the standard white and to use reflective light to show shapes. Another thing that was brought up was to use a secondary light source to create volume, for this drawing I considered what it […]

Lighting and value
The last week before christmas break we continued working on our characters, after some introduction to lighting and values we were tasked to render our line art in grey scale. Some useful things I learned this week was to start with a grey background instead of the standard white and to use reflective light to show shapes. Another thing that was brought up was to use a secondary light source to create volume, for this drawing I considered what it […]