Monthly Archives: January 2014

Programming Project, day 21

I changed the AI states completely. The “Farming” state is now called the “Roaming” state. It checks tiles in certain directions for levelobjects that are destructable, places bombs and walks around the map. I need to make it a bit more random because the AI favors moving in certain directions over other ones right now.
I made another state called “Flee” state which runs away from nearby bombs until at a “safe” distance from any bomb, then returns to the “Roaming” […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 21

I changed the AI states completely. The “Farming” state is now called the “Roaming” state. It checks tiles in certain directions for levelobjects that are destructable, places bombs and walks around the map. I need to make it a bit more random because the AI favors moving in certain directions over other ones right now.
I made another state called “Flee” state which runs away from nearby bombs until at a “safe” distance from any bomb, then returns to the “Roaming” […]

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Program: Programming

KreakOut #5 – Bricks shall be gone

The main-thing to mention this time was to make it an actual game with a goal, by making the bricks disappear when getting hit.

This didn’t take long, so the rest of the time was spent on trying out different things and minor tweaks. For testing out things easier, the ball will now follow the mouse if you hold down ’0′, which is really helpful. Getting the level-change to work was a pain in the elbow though, so we decided that […]

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Program: Programming

KreakOut #5 – Bricks shall be gone

The main-thing to mention this time was to make it an actual game with a goal, by making the bricks disappear when getting hit.

This didn’t take long, so the rest of the time was spent on trying out different things and minor tweaks. For testing out things easier, the ball will now follow the mouse if you hold down ’0′, which is really helpful. Getting the level-change to work was a pain in the elbow though, so we decided that […]

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Program: Programming

Yet another update

Today, the progress once again had some focus on github and getting it to sync properly. Its still abit tricky, but goes easier and easier.
Also got some help from Jerry, with understanding why there was some issues with the Menu Sliders. That will have to be fixed asap.
At this point there is alot of work that requires the other part to have his work done.
Other than that, I can only hope that we will manage to get a working game […]

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Program: Programming

Yet another update

Today, the progress once again had some focus on github and getting it to sync properly. Its still abit tricky, but goes easier and easier.
Also got some help from Jerry, with understanding why there was some issues with the Menu Sliders. That will have to be fixed asap.
At this point there is alot of work that requires the other part to have his work done.
Other than that, I can only hope that we will manage to get a working game […]

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Program: Programming

Tower Defense – Stupid animations!

Today I have learned that I hate animations! REALLY hate animations!For some reason I can’t get it to work for me… I know I have missed something, but can’t find the missing line or maybe it is just a single word…The search continues tomorrow, will probably find it and laugh at myself for being so stupid

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Program: Programming

Tower Defense – Stupid animations!

Today I have learned that I hate animations! REALLY hate animations!For some reason I can’t get it to work for me… I know I have missed something, but can’t find the missing line or maybe it is just a single word…The search continues tomorrow, will probably find it and laugh at myself for being so stupid

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Program: Programming

Day 15, SCORE!!!!!

First I  had some problem implementing sound. The soundeffects played for a while then stopped but with some help from Jerry (co-teacher) I think we nailed it down so it works for now. haven’t tested it too much.
And then….SCORE!! Yes after many hours of struggling i finally managed to nail it! We now got score in our game. If my way of doing it is the right way. I’m not sure??…..but it works!

The way it works […]

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Program: Programming

Day 15, SCORE!!!!!

First I  had some problem implementing sound. The soundeffects played for a while then stopped but with some help from Jerry (co-teacher) I think we nailed it down so it works for now. haven’t tested it too much.
And then….SCORE!! Yes after many hours of struggling i finally managed to nail it! We now got score in our game. If my way of doing it is the right way. I’m not sure??…..but it works!

The way it works […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Assignment, Blog Post 2

Today we spawned the first duck and also fixed the background.
I am however having trouble making the duck move because of how the code of the spawn is written.
So far I only get errors when I’ve tried to change it, but I will continue tomorrow!

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Program: Programming

Programming Assignment, Blog Post 2

Today we spawned the first duck and also fixed the background.
I am however having trouble making the duck move because of how the code of the spawn is written.
So far I only get errors when I’ve tried to change it, but I will continue tomorrow!

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Program: Programming

Programming Assignment, Blog Post 2

Today we spawned the first duck and also fixed the background.
I am however having trouble making the duck move because of how the code of the spawn is written.
So far I only get errors when I’ve tried to change it, but I will continue tomorrow!

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Program: Programming

Programming Assignment, Blog Post 2

Today we spawned the first duck and also fixed the background.
I am however having trouble making the duck move because of how the code of the spawn is written.
So far I only get errors when I’ve tried to change it, but I will continue tomorrow!

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Program: Programming

Programming Project

Today I continued working on tower placement and there are things still needed. I need to work a little with inputs and replaceing sprites
I and Andree have started to work a little with the enemy animations, it did not go quite as planned, as we didn’t get the animation to work for some reason .. , but Andree continues to work with the animation and I continue with the tower placement.

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Program: Programming

Programming Project

Today I continued working on tower placement and there are things still needed. I need to work a little with inputs and replaceing sprites
I and Andree have started to work a little with the enemy animations, it did not go quite as planned, as we didn’t get the animation to work for some reason .. , but Andree continues to work with the animation and I continue with the tower placement.

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Program: Programming

Friday’s work

Didn’t do much Wednesday and Thursday, i wrote a .txt with the coordinates for the animated sprites but i didn’t feel that merited a blog post. 
Today i started my work on getting animations for the Turtles and the player, Getting the regular looping animation for the turtles was easy but switching between different animations for when they dove proved harder, i decided to ask for help during the class in the afternoon and went on to work with the player. […]

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Program: Programming

Friday’s work

Didn’t do much Wednesday and Thursday, i wrote a .txt with the coordinates for the animated sprites but i didn’t feel that merited a blog post. 
Today i started my work on getting animations for the Turtles and the player, Getting the regular looping animation for the turtles was easy but switching between different animations for when they dove proved harder, i decided to ask for help during the class in the afternoon and went on to work with the player. […]

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Program: Programming

Game Programming I – Assignment day 16

Cleaned up some of the code today.
Made a collision manager and started working on collision.
Unfortunately  there was little progress.
I think I successfully made a method to create colliders for objects and I will put these into a vector for the manager.
The collider manager will then check collisions, after which it will need to tell another part of the program that a collision(or rather an overlap) has happened and between which colliders it did happen.

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Program: Programming

Game Programming I – Assignment day 16

Cleaned up some of the code today.
Made a collision manager and started working on collision.
Unfortunately  there was little progress.
I think I successfully made a method to create colliders for objects and I will put these into a vector for the manager.
The collider manager will then check collisions, after which it will need to tell another part of the program that a collision(or rather an overlap) has happened and between which colliders it did happen.

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Program: Programming

Sketch Dump 6

Working on ‘Volver and not sketching as much as I otherwise would have made me somewhat less interested in digital work once I was done with ‘Volver. So I have begun spending about one or three hours each day with my sketchbook again.Most of what I have in my sketchbooks are anatomy studies but most of them aren’t that interesting when compared to my main focus right now, which is stylization. I’m aiming to refine and adapt a style that […]

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Program: Graphics

Sketch Dump 6

Working on ‘Volver and not sketching as much as I otherwise would have made me somewhat less interested in digital work once I was done with ‘Volver. So I have begun spending about one or three hours each day with my sketchbook again.Most of what I have in my sketchbooks are anatomy studies but most of them aren’t that interesting when compared to my main focus right now, which is stylization. I’m aiming to refine and adapt a style that […]

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Program: Graphics

Project plan (albeit delayed and inaccurate)

It was my team mate Georgios that made most of this so kudos to him. The goal with this project is to make an Arkanoid-kind game with the use of c++ and SDL. The project responsibilities are as followed (however not restricted to only): “Georgios is in charge of putting the parts of the program together while Stefan is in charge of creating classes that can be implemented into the main program. The aim is to implement all the basic features first to get […]

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Program: Programming

Project plan (albeit delayed and inaccurate)

It was my team mate Georgios that made most of this so kudos to him. The goal with this project is to make an Arkanoid-kind game with the use of c++ and SDL. The project responsibilities are as followed (however not restricted to only): “Georgios is in charge of putting the parts of the program together while Stefan is in charge of creating classes that can be implemented into the main program. The aim is to implement all the basic features first to get […]

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Program: Programming