Daily Archives: January 3, 2014

Day 10, Something looking like Arkanoid
I have been working since 06:00 in the morning both with programming and graphical things.I developed the CollisonManager some more so it can handle both ball and player collision.It still have some bugs like the ball getting stuck or bouncing in some strange ways. and it rarely push through the game border and gets away. I’m thinking of changing how the collision is handled for the border.I added a BrickObject class to keep track of the bricks. For example like […]

Day 10, Something looking like Arkanoid
I have been working since 06:00 in the morning both with programming and graphical things.I developed the CollisonManager some more so it can handle both ball and player collision.It still have some bugs like the ball getting stuck or bouncing in some strange ways. and it rarely push through the game border and gets away. I’m thinking of changing how the collision is handled for the border.I added a BrickObject class to keep track of the bricks. For example like […]
Frogger Dev. Post 13
Not too much progress today on my part. It is a little bit funny that displaying a simple text is more complicated than displaying and maintaining several images. In my quest to make the HUD for the game I realized that I had to learn how a new library work. As far as I was able to gather I have to change the sprite every time I want to make the number change. To do this I made a function […]
Frogger Dev. Post 13
Not too much progress today on my part. It is a little bit funny that displaying a simple text is more complicated than displaying and maintaining several images. In my quest to make the HUD for the game I realized that I had to learn how a new library work. As far as I was able to gather I have to change the sprite every time I want to make the number change. To do this I made a function […]