Yearly Archives: 2013

Programming Project, day 9
The code structure for selecting buttons in the main menu is re-done a bit and I added another MenuObject class called ButtonObject. All selections are done with the mouse right now, I’m planning to add the option to use the arrow keys on the keyboard as well. But firstly, I’ll start with adding the options menu. That’s tomorrow!
Today, I also added main menu music, a button selection sound AND for the game state, a game over countdown timer, a game over […]

Programming Project, day 9
The code structure for selecting buttons in the main menu is re-done a bit and I added another MenuObject class called ButtonObject. All selections are done with the mouse right now, I’m planning to add the option to use the arrow keys on the keyboard as well. But firstly, I’ll start with adding the options menu. That’s tomorrow!
Today, I also added main menu music, a button selection sound AND for the game state, a game over countdown timer, a game over […]

Line Art
Last week we continued working on the character design that we created the second week. Week five was all about line art, so after a very short introduction we were asked to do a cleanup of the drawing we created in the beginning of the course. I did find the introduction very brief and several of us were then left wondering how you create clean line art, feeling we were not shown any techniques on how to approach it.
That […]

Line Art
Last week we continued working on the character design that we created the second week. Week five was all about line art, so after a very short introduction we were asked to do a cleanup of the drawing we created in the beginning of the course. I did find the introduction very brief and several of us were then left wondering how you create clean line art, feeling we were not shown any techniques on how to approach it.
That […]
First Week, Programming Project
I and Andée have sorted the work, so that we can work on different parts of the game.
This week i have been working on:
Level/draw the map.
Input. Mouse and the ESC button will be used in the game.
And i will continue to work on the tower placement.
First Week, Programming Project
I and Andée have sorted the work, so that we can work on different parts of the game.
This week i have been working on:
Level/draw the map.
Input. Mouse and the ESC button will be used in the game.
And i will continue to work on the tower placement.
Game Programming I – Assignment day 7
Working on an input function so we can move the player around on the screen with either WASD or the arrows on the keyboard.
Game Programming I – Assignment day 7
Working on an input function so we can move the player around on the screen with either WASD or the arrows on the keyboard.
Having problems
Trying to put in a Statemanager in the engine but it will not work have read more about , or else I am going be stuck. -_-
Having problems
Trying to put in a Statemanager in the engine but it will not work have read more about , or else I am going be stuck. -_-

Lighting of Luyia
So the next step for my character was to create a light sorce, put her in an enviroment and light her accordingly. I had alot going for me since lighting and shading is something that comes natural for me because I do portraits. I thought alot about depth in the drawing, making the dark darker and the light lighter.
Although I had alot going for me doing this assignment I’m still too inexperienced in digital drawing. I struggled in the […]

Lighting of Luyia
So the next step for my character was to create a light sorce, put her in an enviroment and light her accordingly. I had alot going for me since lighting and shading is something that comes natural for me because I do portraits. I thought alot about depth in the drawing, making the dark darker and the light lighter.
Although I had alot going for me doing this assignment I’m still too inexperienced in digital drawing. I struggled in the […]
Today Anthon and I discussed the project plan and some of the game mechanics, and how we are going to execute them. I had to rewrite my design-pages in word, because I don’t have access to a scanner and my hand writing is atrocious. We have also discussed what kind of header-files and .cpp files we will need, and we will get to work tomorrow.
Filed under: Uncategorized
Today Anthon and I discussed the project plan and some of the game mechanics, and how we are going to execute them. I had to rewrite my design-pages in word, because I don’t have access to a scanner and my hand writing is atrocious. We have also discussed what kind of header-files and .cpp files we will need, and we will get to work tomorrow.
Filed under: Uncategorized
Project Plan
Project plan
Name: ArkanoidTeam members: Anthon Fredriksson and Laban melanderDeadline: 2014 January 19thGame genre: Arkanoid, Arcade
A simple arkanoid game that has one paddle, multiple balls and multiple bricks with different levels. You start with one ball and you have to destroy all of the blocks to reach to the next level. Sometimes when you destroy a block, a drop will spawn and you get some advantages when you pick it up.
Blocks:9 different. the lowest has 1 level(destroys on one hit) and […]
Project Plan
Project plan
Name: ArkanoidTeam members: Anthon Fredriksson and Laban melanderDeadline: 2014 January 19thGame genre: Arkanoid, Arcade
A simple arkanoid game that has one paddle, multiple balls and multiple bricks with different levels. You start with one ball and you have to destroy all of the blocks to reach to the next level. Sometimes when you destroy a block, a drop will spawn and you get some advantages when you pick it up.
Blocks:9 different. the lowest has 1 level(destroys on one hit) and […]
Programming Project, day 8
The menu state now works with mouse input, you are able to click the “play” and “quit” buttons with the left mouse button. It’s extremely hard-coded (the hardcoded parts are the width and height of all menuobjects and also which menu objects are being pressed. right now the program is checking the for-loop order of the menuobject vector in the menuobjectmanager to determine what object is being pressed), but I’ll get on it tomorrow.
Even programmers need to sleep damn it!
Didn’t […]
Programming Project, day 8
The menu state now works with mouse input, you are able to click the “play” and “quit” buttons with the left mouse button. It’s extremely hard-coded (the hardcoded parts are the width and height of all menuobjects and also which menu objects are being pressed. right now the program is checking the for-loop order of the menuobject vector in the menuobjectmanager to determine what object is being pressed), but I’ll get on it tomorrow.
Even programmers need to sleep damn it!
Didn’t […]
Frogger Dev. Post 02
Slow day today. I finished most of the work on the Statemanager & co. so we now have a Loadstate, Menustate and Gamestate (Although, they don’t actually do much at the moment…) and a Draw Manager.
I had some trouble figuring out how the States Update functions were going to be able to access all of the Game Objects in the Engine but in the end I managed by making a Game Object Manager to use with the update function and […]
Frogger Dev. Post 02
Slow day today. I finished most of the work on the Statemanager & co. so we now have a Loadstate, Menustate and Gamestate (Although, they don’t actually do much at the moment…) and a Draw Manager.
I had some trouble figuring out how the States Update functions were going to be able to access all of the Game Objects in the Engine but in the end I managed by making a Game Object Manager to use with the update function and […]

Shading assignment
note: Soon it’s Christmas break!!! WE-HO!
This week the assignment was to shade your clean-line and put her in an environment. somehow my brain farted when I was reading the description of this assignment and I just got the first part of this assignment. And as I was about to turn in the assignment I saw the second part. So the drawing look like shit, threw it all together in like 30 minutes. The character is pretty well rendered and okay looking, […]

Shading assignment
note: Soon it’s Christmas break!!! WE-HO!
This week the assignment was to shade your clean-line and put her in an environment. somehow my brain farted when I was reading the description of this assignment and I just got the first part of this assignment. And as I was about to turn in the assignment I saw the second part. So the drawing look like shit, threw it all together in like 30 minutes. The character is pretty well rendered and okay looking, […]

Linking error & GitHub, such a nice combo!
Today I’ve spent much time trying to find a silly link error that occurred when playing around with states,when i found it I face planted the keyboard a little bit. (Yea was such a silly fault…)
Other than playing around with states, it was time to get some synergy into the project. so it was added to GitHub.
While not understanding how to get access to each others projects it still feels like a good step on the way.

Linking error & GitHub, such a nice combo!
Today I’ve spent much time trying to find a silly link error that occurred when playing around with states,when i found it I face planted the keyboard a little bit. (Yea was such a silly fault…)
Other than playing around with states, it was time to get some synergy into the project. so it was added to GitHub.
While not understanding how to get access to each others projects it still feels like a good step on the way.