Yearly Archives: 2013

Group 12

We have now gotten our groups for designing a game. And we got the words, interesteing and suit, to work with. It wassent the easiest words to work with but we landed on a game were you are gonna make a suit by making the individual parts, by flying with a machine that sew it all togheter. While you do it, moths and other things will try to eat the cloth. So you will have kill them by shooting them.
We […]

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Program: Graphics

Group 12

We have now gotten our groups for designing a game. And we got the words, interesteing and suit, to work with. It wassent the easiest words to work with but we landed on a game were you are gonna make a suit by making the individual parts, by flying with a machine that sew it all togheter. While you do it, moths and other things will try to eat the cloth. So you will have kill them by shooting them.
We […]

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Program: Graphics

Announcing Alumni Days 2013

The lectures goes up on YouTube as soon as we render them.
Thanks to Kajfa, Teddy, Daniel and Jerker for taking the time and helping us out with the event!

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Announcing Alumni Days 2013

The lectures goes up on YouTube as soon as we render them.
Thanks to Kajfa, Teddy, Daniel and Jerker for taking the time and helping us out with the event!

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Got some work done!

I was working on a sword for a while in 3DSMax that did no quite work out and because of that, I had to start over.
A few days have passed and I’ve actually managed to create a new sword from scratch and I’m quite happy with the result so far.
All that needs to be done now is to properly texture it. (I think)

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Program: Graphics

Got some work done!

I was working on a sword for a while in 3DSMax that did no quite work out and because of that, I had to start over.
A few days have passed and I’ve actually managed to create a new sword from scratch and I’m quite happy with the result so far.
All that needs to be done now is to properly texture it. (I think)

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Program: Graphics

First post

This will be my first post here.
So I’ll introduce myself and tell you what i´m going to write on this blog.
My name is Viktor Nilsson, i´m 20 years old and lives in Gotland. I´m studying Game Design and Programming at Uppsala university Campus Gotland.
In this blog I will reflect and write about my studies at the university.
See you later. Bye

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Program: Programming

First post

This will be my first post here.
So I’ll introduce myself and tell you what i´m going to write on this blog.
My name is Viktor Nilsson, i´m 20 years old and lives in Gotland. I´m studying Game Design and Programming at Uppsala university Campus Gotland.
In this blog I will reflect and write about my studies at the university.
See you later. Bye

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Program: Programming


Test test test

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Program: Graphics


Test test test

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Program: Graphics

”Sky in a pond”?

One might wonder what that means, and indeed it is up to each of your interpretations. Whatever conclusion you may come to though, you can refer to me as simply ”Sky”!
Now who is this ”Sky” person? To be perfectly honest, I have no idea. There have been times when I’ve thought I knew myself, just to be slapped across the face by life and all it’s wonderful and horrible experiences. They change us, for good or for bad, and […]

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Program: Graphics

”Sky in a pond”?

One might wonder what that means, and indeed it is up to each of your interpretations. Whatever conclusion you may come to though, you can refer to me as simply ”Sky”!
Now who is this ”Sky” person? To be perfectly honest, I have no idea. There have been times when I’ve thought I knew myself, just to be slapped across the face by life and all it’s wonderful and horrible experiences. They change us, for good or for bad, and […]

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Program: Graphics


Test test test

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Program: Graphics


Test test test

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Program: Graphics

Beginning of a new era

The time has finally come for me to start the blog that will focus on my studies during my second and third year at Campus Gotland. I am currently taking the courses Advanced Game Design and Serious Games. This blog will be closely tied to my work during Advanced Game design.
Today I got the assignment to create a board game design together with my group. I am very excited to hear what kind of idéas my friends have.

October 07, 2013 / Comments Off on Beginning of a new era
Program: Programming

Beginning of a new era

The time has finally come for me to start the blog that will focus on my studies during my second and third year at Campus Gotland. I am currently taking the courses Advanced Game Design and Serious Games. This blog will be closely tied to my work during Advanced Game design.
Today I got the assignment to create a board game design together with my group. I am very excited to hear what kind of idéas my friends have.

October 07, 2013 / Comments Off on Beginning of a new era
Program: Programming

Beginning of a new era

The time has finally come for me to start the blog that will focus on my studies during my second and third year at Campus Gotland. I am currently taking the courses Advanced Game Design and Serious Games. This blog will be closely tied to my work during Advanced Game design.
Today I got the assignment to create a board game design together with my group. I am very excited to hear what kind of idéas my friends have.

October 07, 2013 / Comments Off on Beginning of a new era
Program: Programming

Beginning of a new era

The time has finally come for me to start the blog that will focus on my studies during my second and third year at Campus Gotland. I am currently taking the courses Advanced Game Design and Serious Games. This blog will be closely tied to my work during Advanced Game design.
Today I got the assignment to create a board game design together with my group. I am very excited to hear what kind of idéas my friends have.

October 07, 2013 / Comments Off on Beginning of a new era
Program: Programming

It’s alive!

I’m Simon and this is my blog.
I am a Game Design student with a minor in programming at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland in the medieval town Visby, Sweden.
This semester has so far taken me to Tokyo Game Show where we promoted our university, the swedish games industry, japanese/swedish collaborations in technology and research, and some of the games produced by us students.
Next up is our Alumni Days, packed with guest lectures and mingeling with industry people. Fun times. After […]

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Program: Programming

It’s alive!

I’m Simon and this is my blog.
I am a Game Design student with a minor in programming at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland in the medieval town Visby, Sweden.
This semester has so far taken me to Tokyo Game Show where we promoted our university, the swedish games industry, japanese/swedish collaborations in technology and research, and some of the games produced by us students.
Next up is our Alumni Days, packed with guest lectures and mingeling with industry people. Fun times. After […]

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Program: Programming

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Program: Programming

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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Program: Programming

It has now been six weeks since I started on my second year of Game design and graphics program. Right now I have two courses Advanced game design and project management, and leadership. In Advanced game design, we have in recent weeks been playing and analyzing two board games and one roleplaying game in order to identify the systems that make the game work and the components are affected by them.
The games we played were:
–        Settlers of catan a board […]

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Program: Graphics

It has now been six weeks since I started on my second year of Game design and graphics program. Right now I have two courses Advanced game design and project management, and leadership. In Advanced game design, we have in recent weeks been playing and analyzing two board games and one roleplaying game in order to identify the systems that make the game work and the components are affected by them.
The games we played were:
–        Settlers of catan a board […]

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Program: Graphics