Monthly Archives: November 2013

Finishing the board game
We ordered some new cogwheels for our board game which we received last week. These cogwheels were made out of plastic and worked great with our design.
Once we had tried the game with these new cogs, I took the responsibility to fix the cards and rotation arrows that we should paste to the cogwheels. I finished them on monday night and we were able to put the whole game together at Thuseday morning.
We made the board out of a plank […]

Finishing the board game
We ordered some new cogwheels for our board game which we received last week. These cogwheels were made out of plastic and worked great with our design.
Once we had tried the game with these new cogs, I took the responsibility to fix the cards and rotation arrows that we should paste to the cogwheels. I finished them on monday night and we were able to put the whole game together at Thuseday morning.
We made the board out of a plank […]
We travelling to Gamex on Wednesday October 30th, we started the day with taking the early boat. The boat departs at 7 o’clock in the morning. As usual when I’m taking the early boat I hardly get any sleep at all, so it was very fun to be really tired all that day, not really… I didn’t want to miss the boat so that was one way of doing that I suppose. Smarter thing to do was to actually go […]
We travelling to Gamex on Wednesday October 30th, we started the day with taking the early boat. The boat departs at 7 o’clock in the morning. As usual when I’m taking the early boat I hardly get any sleep at all, so it was very fun to be really tired all that day, not really… I didn’t want to miss the boat so that was one way of doing that I suppose. Smarter thing to do was to actually go […]
Spank the monkey as a RPG
So some people took offense to my comparison with spank the monkey to a permadeath rpg, so i wanted to write this post to clarify what i meant.
The reason i thought that i was interesting is that it’s not immediately obvious that this is what is going on. While building your defense cards and such and such, you might consider this a fun family game with no strategy to it. However, nestled beneath the seemingly simple exterior is a complex […]
Spank the monkey as a RPG
So some people took offense to my comparison with spank the monkey to a permadeath rpg, so i wanted to write this post to clarify what i meant.
The reason i thought that i was interesting is that it’s not immediately obvious that this is what is going on. While building your defense cards and such and such, you might consider this a fun family game with no strategy to it. However, nestled beneath the seemingly simple exterior is a complex […]
Spank the monkey as a RPG
So some people took offense to my comparison with spank the monkey to a permadeath rpg, so i wanted to write this post to clarify what i meant.
The reason i thought that i was interesting is that it’s not immediately obvious that this is what is going on. While building your defense cards and such and such, you might consider this a fun family game with no strategy to it. However, nestled beneath the seemingly simple exterior is a complex […]
Spank the monkey as a RPG
So some people took offense to my comparison with spank the monkey to a permadeath rpg, so i wanted to write this post to clarify what i meant.
The reason i thought that i was interesting is that it’s not immediately obvious that this is what is going on. While building your defense cards and such and such, you might consider this a fun family game with no strategy to it. However, nestled beneath the seemingly simple exterior is a complex […]
Shadow Path and GameX
This is the last week of the course, Advanced Game Design and we had our final presentation of our board game.
Not many changes were made from the previous week to this one. While half of the group where at GameX the other half did as best they could to balance the game. They play tested it with people that had never played it before and they thought it was fun and exciting to play.
Short about GameX:
I and my group were […]
Shadow Path and GameX
This is the last week of the course, Advanced Game Design and we had our final presentation of our board game.
Not many changes were made from the previous week to this one. While half of the group where at GameX the other half did as best they could to balance the game. They play tested it with people that had never played it before and they thought it was fun and exciting to play.
Short about GameX:
I and my group were […]
Second playtest and final Public session
During my silent weeks we had two more public events tied to our Advanced game design board game. the first of these two was a regular playtest to receive feedback on our game. If you are not familiar to our board game please read this (link to our board game blog). We found out that people thought that it was too hard to win the game because everyone would always call on a players last card. So in order […]
Second playtest and final Public session
During my silent weeks we had two more public events tied to our Advanced game design board game. the first of these two was a regular playtest to receive feedback on our game. If you are not familiar to our board game please read this (link to our board game blog). We found out that people thought that it was too hard to win the game because everyone would always call on a players last card. So in order […]
A week late but here it is, GameX took alot of time 😛
Last week we made some major changes to the game, we reworked the action system and we also further iterated on the game board.
In the start of the week we had a meeting with Marcus discussing what we could change and make better. He came up with some ideas that would give the monster player a more defined goal. He suggested that we should give the players lives, […]
A week late but here it is, GameX took alot of time 😛
Last week we made some major changes to the game, we reworked the action system and we also further iterated on the game board.
In the start of the week we had a meeting with Marcus discussing what we could change and make better. He came up with some ideas that would give the monster player a more defined goal. He suggested that we should give the players lives, […]
Shadow Path and GameX
This is the last week of the course, Advanced Game Design and we had our final presentation of our board game.
Not many changes were made from the previous week to this one. While half of the group where at GameX the other half did as best they could to balance the game. They play tested it with people that had never played it before and they thought it was fun and exciting to play.
Short about GameX:
I and my group were […]
Shadow Path and GameX
This is the last week of the course, Advanced Game Design and we had our final presentation of our board game.
Not many changes were made from the previous week to this one. While half of the group where at GameX the other half did as best they could to balance the game. They play tested it with people that had never played it before and they thought it was fun and exciting to play.
Short about GameX:
I and my group were […]
Second playtest and final Public session
During my silent weeks we had two more public events tied to our Advanced game design board game. the first of these two was a regular playtest to receive feedback on our game. If you are not familiar to our board game please read this (link to our board game blog). We found out that people thought that it was too hard to win the game because everyone would always call on a players last card. So in order […]
Second playtest and final Public session
During my silent weeks we had two more public events tied to our Advanced game design board game. the first of these two was a regular playtest to receive feedback on our game. If you are not familiar to our board game please read this (link to our board game blog). We found out that people thought that it was too hard to win the game because everyone would always call on a players last card. So in order […]
A week late but here it is, GameX took alot of time 😛
Last week we made some major changes to the game, we reworked the action system and we also further iterated on the game board.
In the start of the week we had a meeting with Marcus discussing what we could change and make better. He came up with some ideas that would give the monster player a more defined goal. He suggested that we should give the players lives, […]
A week late but here it is, GameX took alot of time 😛
Last week we made some major changes to the game, we reworked the action system and we also further iterated on the game board.
In the start of the week we had a meeting with Marcus discussing what we could change and make better. He came up with some ideas that would give the monster player a more defined goal. He suggested that we should give the players lives, […]
Board game progress report w44
At the beginning of the week we received feedback on the game from one of our teachers. The feedback we got was overall very positive. The only things that was suggested that we could change to improve the game was the cheese tile system (where you flip tiles at the far end of the board to find the cheese). And that we probably should add a feature that motivated the player to hunt for the cheese during the first half […]
Board game progress report w44
At the beginning of the week we received feedback on the game from one of our teachers. The feedback we got was overall very positive. The only things that was suggested that we could change to improve the game was the cheese tile system (where you flip tiles at the far end of the board to find the cheese). And that we probably should add a feature that motivated the player to hunt for the cheese during the first half […]
Final Week of Advanced Game Design
So this week is the last week of the course “Advanced Game Design” and we’re basically finished with the board game that we’re presenting tomorrow. All we need to do now is to name the game and polish some elements, like putting descriptions on the cards.
During the end of last week was Gamex so half of the group was gone and we didn’t get much done, except yesterday when we did some playtesting with two people from outside the group. […]
Final Week of Advanced Game Design
So this week is the last week of the course “Advanced Game Design” and we’re basically finished with the board game that we’re presenting tomorrow. All we need to do now is to name the game and polish some elements, like putting descriptions on the cards.
During the end of last week was Gamex so half of the group was gone and we didn’t get much done, except yesterday when we did some playtesting with two people from outside the group. […]