Monthly Archives: October 2013

Character design – CoBots

In CoBots the player(s) controls two maintainbots.
In the early development of CoBots, Me and Petra were tasked with designing the bots.
Since there should be two different robots which cooperated throughout the game, but still be able to do exactly the same thing, we didn’t want them to look to different from each other.
Concept sketches by Petra Medin.
We sketched some different concept of the bots and we then compared our ideas and decided on a final concept. We both liked […]

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Program: Graphics

Character design – CoBots

In CoBots the player(s) controls two maintainbots.
In the early development of CoBots, Me and Petra were tasked with designing the bots.
Since there should be two different robots which cooperated throughout the game, but still be able to do exactly the same thing, we didn’t want them to look to different from each other.
Concept sketches by Petra Medin.
We sketched some different concept of the bots and we then compared our ideas and decided on a final concept. We both liked […]

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Program: Graphics

Concept sketch

We had a workshop today, me and my group, where we worked on our shmup-game. I’ve been making some concept art/sketches. The image below is a little less than half the size of the original sketch. And the title may still change.

I’ve made a couple of concepts for the main character and some other sketches as well. I might upload more concepts and sketches later.
I believe that the anatomy and perspective is a bit off in the sketch above. […]

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Program: Graphics

Concept sketch

We had a workshop today, me and my group, where we worked on our shmup-game. I’ve been making some concept art/sketches. The image below is a little less than half the size of the original sketch. And the title may still change.

I’ve made a couple of concepts for the main character and some other sketches as well. I might upload more concepts and sketches later.
I believe that the anatomy and perspective is a bit off in the sketch above. […]

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Program: Graphics


We play tested our game on two different groups. Since our prototype cogwheels were made out of cardboard and tape, they didn’t work as well as we had hoped they would. Since the spinning didn’t work properly, the players who tested our game had to make a lot of thinking just to understand the basic concept of spinning the different cogwheels and how this correlates. Once the players understood the system, they thought it was quite interesting and saw potential […]

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Program: Graphics


We play tested our game on two different groups. Since our prototype cogwheels were made out of cardboard and tape, they didn’t work as well as we had hoped they would. Since the spinning didn’t work properly, the players who tested our game had to make a lot of thinking just to understand the basic concept of spinning the different cogwheels and how this correlates. Once the players understood the system, they thought it was quite interesting and saw potential […]

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Program: Graphics

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Desgin) – 20131022

Today, some members in the group where busy with other things, meaning that we couldn’t work together as a group this very day. However today me and my group mate Emanuel Palm sat down and work on the design document of our game, which is available at this project’s Wiki Page. Note that it is still in development as of writing this, so things might change.
A design document is not necessarily a document, it can be a wiki […]

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Program: Programming

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Desgin) – 20131022

Today, some members in the group where busy with other things, meaning that we couldn’t work together as a group this very day. However today me and my group mate Emanuel Palm sat down and work on the design document of our game, which is available at this project’s Wiki Page. Note that it is still in development as of writing this, so things might change.
A design document is not necessarily a document, it can be a wiki […]

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Program: Programming

Game Ideas: Illuminati board game SINGLEPLAYER EXTRAVAGANZA!

Good day every reader out there!
I’ve been working with a small team of 4 people for the last couple of months to create a singleplayer board game. I was a little skeptic to it at first, but after running through some prototypes we are finally getting it to work. The game now actively works to protect itself and it really feels like the odds are stacking up against you the more noticed you get by the game.
The game itself is […]

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Program: Graphics

Game Ideas: Illuminati board game SINGLEPLAYER EXTRAVAGANZA!

Good day every reader out there!
I’ve been working with a small team of 4 people for the last couple of months to create a singleplayer board game. I was a little skeptic to it at first, but after running through some prototypes we are finally getting it to work. The game now actively works to protect itself and it really feels like the odds are stacking up against you the more noticed you get by the game.
The game itself is […]

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Program: Graphics

Board Game Decisions – Design Document

Yesterday we made a few decisions on what was left to be done in order to make the game and system better. We wrote down a list and divided up the work.  I decided that I wanted to work on the design document. It is something that I think is good to learn how to do, even though we have done a few of them I don’t feel confident about doing one.  Our second prototype will be really interesting to […]

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Program: Programming

Board Game Decisions – Design Document

Yesterday we made a few decisions on what was left to be done in order to make the game and system better. We wrote down a list and divided up the work.  I decided that I wanted to work on the design document. It is something that I think is good to learn how to do, even though we have done a few of them I don’t feel confident about doing one.  Our second prototype will be really interesting to […]

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Program: Programming

Board Game Decisions – Design Document

Yesterday we made a few decisions on what was left to be done in order to make the game and system better. We wrote down a list and divided up the work.  I decided that I wanted to work on the design document. It is something that I think is good to learn how to do, even though we have done a few of them I don’t feel confident about doing one.  Our second prototype will be really interesting to […]

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Program: Programming

Board Game Decisions – Design Document

Yesterday we made a few decisions on what was left to be done in order to make the game and system better. We wrote down a list and divided up the work.  I decided that I wanted to work on the design document. It is something that I think is good to learn how to do, even though we have done a few of them I don’t feel confident about doing one.  Our second prototype will be really interesting to […]

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Program: Programming

Telephone Snake

Today i spent some time working with my group on the game design project where we got the words Telephone and Snake to work with.
The game should also be a space shooter.
And with these words we are supposed to create a game up to the point of production, so paper prototype testing, design documents and so on.
The game idea is that you are trying to find signal for your phone, while you are running around in different landscapes such as […]

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Program: Programming

Telephone Snake

Today i spent some time working with my group on the game design project where we got the words Telephone and Snake to work with.
The game should also be a space shooter.
And with these words we are supposed to create a game up to the point of production, so paper prototype testing, design documents and so on.
The game idea is that you are trying to find signal for your phone, while you are running around in different landscapes such as […]

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Program: Programming

Late report

Oh crud, i almost forgot to make a report of last week’s efforts.
I say almost but considering its Tuesday already i guess i completely forgot. Anyways.
Last Tuesday i got some good work done in the game-room and managed to finish my communications essay and even had the time to get started with Bioshock Infinite. 
Wednesday i was supposed to work together with Leonard to make a prototype for our game to make sure it was a working concept but i ended […]

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Program: Programming

Late report

Oh crud, i almost forgot to make a report of last week’s efforts.
I say almost but considering its Tuesday already i guess i completely forgot. Anyways.
Last Tuesday i got some good work done in the game-room and managed to finish my communications essay and even had the time to get started with Bioshock Infinite. 
Wednesday i was supposed to work together with Leonard to make a prototype for our game to make sure it was a working concept but i ended […]

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Program: Programming

Making progress

Had a really productive day as a group today, been working for nearly seven hours and all of the members have been pulling their weight to finish the project. Everything is written down, most of the art is done even the PowerPoint is done. It’s just a matter of filling it with content; which we got! Spent most of my afternoon writing a flow scheme over the player’s interactions with the game. And here it is: *Drum-roll*

October 22, 2013 / Comments Off on Making progress
Program: Programming

Making progress

Had a really productive day as a group today, been working for nearly seven hours and all of the members have been pulling their weight to finish the project. Everything is written down, most of the art is done even the PowerPoint is done. It’s just a matter of filling it with content; which we got! Spent most of my afternoon writing a flow scheme over the player’s interactions with the game. And here it is: *Drum-roll*

October 22, 2013 / Comments Off on Making progress
Program: Programming

Motivation – Why Game Design/Development?

For a long time I’ve always had a lot of ideas and scenarios popping in my head and constantly developing. All this time I’ve hoped to one day be able to put them on paper or/and screen. I’ve been writing and drawing every change I’ve got, but without enough motivation to continue and get better.I realise that there isn’t really anything special about this, a lot of people have ideas they want to put into practice. That is what made […]

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Program: Programming

Motivation – Why Game Design/Development?

For a long time I’ve always had a lot of ideas and scenarios popping in my head and constantly developing. All this time I’ve hoped to one day be able to put them on paper or/and screen. I’ve been writing and drawing every change I’ve got, but without enough motivation to continue and get better.I realise that there isn’t really anything special about this, a lot of people have ideas they want to put into practice. That is what made […]

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Program: Programming

2nd Person games

I’ve been thinking about how a 2nd instead of first or 3rd person game might look, feel and work.
It could potentially be a very fun puzzle plat former multi player game where you have to at all time watch you friend or at least give him hints through a chat when he could not see himself and thus making it a game where you have to relay on your friends ability to describe the environment and paths to take.

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Program: Programming

2nd Person games

I’ve been thinking about how a 2nd instead of first or 3rd person game might look, feel and work.
It could potentially be a very fun puzzle plat former multi player game where you have to at all time watch you friend or at least give him hints through a chat when he could not see himself and thus making it a game where you have to relay on your friends ability to describe the environment and paths to take.

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Program: Programming