Daily Archives: October 25, 2013

CoBots at Tekniska museet
Today was the grand opening party for the new game exhibition at Tekniska museet in Stockholm. I was there with CoBots and gave people the chance to play our new version of the game. It feelt amazing to have people playing the game that I’ve been developing and for me to be able to stand behind them and watch the reaction. It was almost the same thing at GGC last spring, but this time it was even more people who […]

CoBots at Tekniska museet
Today was the grand opening party for the new game exhibition at Tekniska museet in Stockholm. I was there with CoBots and gave people the chance to play our new version of the game. It feelt amazing to have people playing the game that I’ve been developing and for me to be able to stand behind them and watch the reaction. It was almost the same thing at GGC last spring, but this time it was even more people who […]
<3 Education
Hi blog,
This blog might not seem school work related, however bear with me, and I hope you will see why I chose to put this up as a blog for my reflection. It’s a bit more “personal” than my other posts and I’m going to try to be more personal in the future. Not that people have commented on anything, heck I don’t even know if anyone is reading this stuff.
When I first started to prepare myself to get a […]
<3 Education
Hi blog,
This blog might not seem school work related, however bear with me, and I hope you will see why I chose to put this up as a blog for my reflection. It’s a bit more “personal” than my other posts and I’m going to try to be more personal in the future. Not that people have commented on anything, heck I don’t even know if anyone is reading this stuff.
When I first started to prepare myself to get a […]
Play testing, feedback and blaancing
During Monday we got a small meeting with Marcus, where we presented what our game was like, how to play it and what feedback we had gotten so far. He liked what the game sounded like. Unfortunatly it was a far too small debriefing session for us in …
Play testing, feedback and blaancing
During Monday we got a small meeting with Marcus, where we presented what our game was like, how to play it and what feedback we had gotten so far. He liked what the game sounded like. Unfortunatly it was a far too small debriefing session for us in …
Thursday: Feedback day
Three groups tested our game; I was only present when two of the groups played. Players quite easily grasped the concept and found it amusing, some more than others. The first group that played apparently though that the game should have more “power cards” with different variations, not just the dynamite.
We had already thought that we should implement different kinds of power cards, knowing that more people wanted us to do it feels reassuring. We will try to come up […]
Thursday: Feedback day
Three groups tested our game; I was only present when two of the groups played. Players quite easily grasped the concept and found it amusing, some more than others. The first group that played apparently though that the game should have more “power cards” with different variations, not just the dynamite.
We had already thought that we should implement different kinds of power cards, knowing that more people wanted us to do it feels reassuring. We will try to come up […]
Thursday: Feedback day
Three groups tested our game; I was only present when two of the groups played. Players quite easily grasped the concept and found it amusing, some more than others. The first group that played apparently though that the game should have more “power cards” with different variations, not just the dynamite.
We had already thought that we should implement different kinds of power cards, knowing that more people wanted us to do it feels reassuring. We will try to come up […]
Thursday: Feedback day
Three groups tested our game; I was only present when two of the groups played. Players quite easily grasped the concept and found it amusing, some more than others. The first group that played apparently though that the game should have more “power cards” with different variations, not just the dynamite.
We had already thought that we should implement different kinds of power cards, knowing that more people wanted us to do it feels reassuring. We will try to come up […]

Traps and dynamites!
This Wednesday we sat down with our game and playtested, a lot. We tried different amounts of players, cards on the table and cards on the hand. Everything we tried worked pretty well but we finally decided that the game is best played with four of everything (4 players, 4 cards on the table and 4 cards on the hand). With five players it was harder to succeed in bluffing, since there are more players that have the ability to […]

Traps and dynamites!
This Wednesday we sat down with our game and playtested, a lot. We tried different amounts of players, cards on the table and cards on the hand. Everything we tried worked pretty well but we finally decided that the game is best played with four of everything (4 players, 4 cards on the table and 4 cards on the hand). With five players it was harder to succeed in bluffing, since there are more players that have the ability to […]

Board Game – Play testing
Goal of the week – play testing
The goal this week was to play test and tweak our game so that we had a good and balanced version that could be play tested by other groups at the play testing session this Thursday.
What we did
One of the first issues we had to fix was that the wizard became too powerful too quickly. So we changed so that instead of automatically gaining one extra mana each turn the wizard only gained mana […]

Board Game – Play testing
Goal of the week – play testing
The goal this week was to play test and tweak our game so that we had a good and balanced version that could be play tested by other groups at the play testing session this Thursday.
What we did
One of the first issues we had to fix was that the wizard became too powerful too quickly. So we changed so that instead of automatically gaining one extra mana each turn the wizard only gained mana […]

Traps and dynamites!
This Wednesday we sat down with our game and playtested, a lot. We tried different amounts of players, cards on the table and cards on the hand. Everything we tried worked pretty well but we finally decided that the game is best played with four of everything (4 players, 4 cards on the table and 4 cards on the hand). With five players it was harder to succeed in bluffing, since there are more players that have the ability to […]

Traps and dynamites!
This Wednesday we sat down with our game and playtested, a lot. We tried different amounts of players, cards on the table and cards on the hand. Everything we tried worked pretty well but we finally decided that the game is best played with four of everything (4 players, 4 cards on the table and 4 cards on the hand). With five players it was harder to succeed in bluffing, since there are more players that have the ability to […]

Hi, this week I have been working with my group in our board game project. We are making a game were you use cogwheels for movement. It has been really hard to work whit because the cogwheels that we made does not work that well. Hopefully it will get easier now because we have got the cogwheels that we had ordered.
They look a lot better than the ones we made.
October 25,
2013 /
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Hi, this week I have been working with my group in our board game project. We are making a game were you use cogwheels for movement. It has been really hard to work whit because the cogwheels that we made does not work that well. Hopefully it will get easier now because we have got the cogwheels that we had ordered.
They look a lot better than the ones we made.
October 25,
2013 /
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