Daily Archives: October 15, 2013
Board Game progress
For a week back or so we’ve been tasked to create a board game prototype in groups. This week we are supposed to have a playable prototype and we are supposed to play other groups prototypes while they play ours.
Initially we set out to create something intense, competetive and strategic, but during our development I found that we couldn’t really get something like that to work. After trial and error (and without major playtesting) it is hard […]
Board Game progress
For a week back or so we’ve been tasked to create a board game prototype in groups. This week we are supposed to have a playable prototype and we are supposed to play other groups prototypes while they play ours.
Initially we set out to create something intense, competetive and strategic, but during our development I found that we couldn’t really get something like that to work. After trial and error (and without major playtesting) it is hard […]
Board Game progress
For a week back or so we’ve been tasked to create a board game prototype in groups. This week we are supposed to have a playable prototype and we are supposed to play other groups prototypes while they play ours.
Initially we set out to create something intense, competetive and strategic, but during our development I found that we couldn’t really get something like that to work. After trial and error (and without major playtesting) it is hard to determine whether […]
Board Game progress
For a week back or so we’ve been tasked to create a board game prototype in groups. This week we are supposed to have a playable prototype and we are supposed to play other groups prototypes while they play ours.
Initially we set out to create something intense, competetive and strategic, but during our development I found that we couldn’t really get something like that to work. After trial and error (and without major playtesting) it is hard to determine whether […]
Serious Board Game
Today we sat down and briefly filled in a template we will be using to formulate how we wish ur serious board game to be like. Below is a link to the open document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WECInuLHFG7JdKB5i-HdCXV_cvlT22jMqPx7IkVEz78/edit
Serious Board Game
Today we sat down and briefly filled in a template we will be using to formulate how we wish ur serious board game to be like. Below is a link to the open document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WECInuLHFG7JdKB5i-HdCXV_cvlT22jMqPx7IkVEz78/edit

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131015
Today, my group in advanced game design sat down and did some design on our board game assignment. This day we tested the movement system that we was going to use in our game.
The idea of our game is that there is one monster player that is hunting the other players down, who in term has to search buildings to find a item, which they then has to get to a certain location. The first player who achieves this win […]

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131015
Today, my group in advanced game design sat down and did some design on our board game assignment. This day we tested the movement system that we was going to use in our game.
The idea of our game is that there is one monster player that is hunting the other players down, who in term has to search buildings to find a item, which they then has to get to a certain location. The first player who achieves this win […]

Progress on the Board Game
Today we worked in the group for a couple of hours after the lectures and tried out some of the ideas we had for the board we would use in our game. First of all I should probably go through some of the plans on the game, though.
The main idea behind the game is that there are five players, one being a monster and four others being invaders of the place the monster guards. They’re looking for a treasure of […]

Progress on the Board Game
Today we worked in the group for a couple of hours after the lectures and tried out some of the ideas we had for the board we would use in our game. First of all I should probably go through some of the plans on the game, though.
The main idea behind the game is that there are five players, one being a monster and four others being invaders of the place the monster guards. They’re looking for a treasure of […]
Board Game development
We met up as a whole group today. Last week we had a meeting where we discussed the aesthetic goals we wished to have in the board game we are to create.Our initial approach was to focus on a set of aesthetics and then develop mechanics to match those …
Board Game development
We met up as a whole group today. Last week we had a meeting where we discussed the aesthetic goals we wished to have in the board game we are to create.Our initial approach was to focus on a set of aesthetics and then develop mechanics to match those …
Lunchtime v2.1
Lunchtime v2.1
Click the link to download the game.

Doom’s Date
Last Friday I participated in our university’s game jam. The theme words were “Everyday” and “Doom”, and we had a mere 7 hours to make a game to submit.
The first I thought of was Doctor Doom (I mean, how could you not), and what is the game that would make most sense with Doctor Doom? A dating simulator of course. So we started working from that point, and after some stressful hours we had created Doom’s Date!
Be still my […]

Doom’s Date
Last Friday I participated in our university’s game jam. The theme words were “Everyday” and “Doom”, and we had a mere 7 hours to make a game to submit.
The first I thought of was Doctor Doom (I mean, how could you not), and what is the game that would make most sense with Doctor Doom? A dating simulator of course. So we started working from that point, and after some stressful hours we had created Doom’s Date!
Be still my […]

First boardgame meeting
Yester day I met my group to start figuring out idéas for our boardgame,Luckily for us Simon Wulf already had an idé.
He wanted to create a game which would simulate pirates having naval battles.We all liked the sound of this.
The game is played on an hexagonal board and will look something like this but will hopefully be made prettier in the future.
We came upp with a movement system which will simulate sailing, we implimented a wind system […]

First boardgame meeting
Yester day I met my group to start figuring out idéas for our boardgame,Luckily for us Simon Wulf already had an idé.
He wanted to create a game which would simulate pirates having naval battles.We all liked the sound of this.
The game is played on an hexagonal board and will look something like this but will hopefully be made prettier in the future.
We came upp with a movement system which will simulate sailing, we implimented a wind system […]

Bioshock infinte!
I started to play and ended up finishing Bioshock: Infinite yester day. We got teh assignment to play the game the analyze the story and determ if it was a three act story or a nine act story. To me it was clear that it was a nine act story because it follows the principles of the nine act story almost religiously (hint to the game intended)
But more on the assignment in my assignment! I’ve played the game before and […]

Bioshock infinte!
I started to play and ended up finishing Bioshock: Infinite yester day. We got teh assignment to play the game the analyze the story and determ if it was a three act story or a nine act story. To me it was clear that it was a nine act story because it follows the principles of the nine act story almost religiously (hint to the game intended)
But more on the assignment in my assignment! I’ve played the game before and […]

Alumni Days && Everybody is a Noob Jam
Our Alumni days have come and gone.
The lectures were great, but the what stole the show was probably the miniature 6 hour “Everybody is a Noob” game jam that was held. The reason why everyone was a noob was because we were required to build our games in Game Maker Studio, a tool that most of us knew about but had never used.
The theme of the jam was “Everyday Doom”. I teamed up with an alumn, two first […]

Alumni Days && Everybody is a Noob Jam
Our Alumni days have come and gone.
The lectures were great, but the what stole the show was probably the miniature 6 hour “Everybody is a Noob” game jam that was held. The reason why everyone was a noob was because we were required to build our games in Game Maker Studio, a tool that most of us knew about but had never used.
The theme of the jam was “Everyday Doom”. I teamed up with an alumn, two first […]

Game jam, Foodfighters Lunchtime
Last friday there was a game jam at school. A game jam is basically “make a game during this super short amount of time”, and this time it was like under seven hours. Students of first ’til third year and teachers could participate. Also we had to use Game Maker at this jam.
We were three first year student programmers (and we havn’t even had a single lecture in programming as of yet) and two graphical artists, one first year and one […]

Game jam, Foodfighters Lunchtime
Last friday there was a game jam at school. A game jam is basically “make a game during this super short amount of time”, and this time it was like under seven hours. Students of first ’til third year and teachers could participate. Also we had to use Game Maker at this jam.
We were three first year student programmers (and we havn’t even had a single lecture in programming as of yet) and two graphical artists, one first year and one […]