Monthly Archives: September 2013
Johannes Wadin (Might & Delight): Shelter
GAME alumni Johannes Wadin returns to Campus Gotland on the 10 year anniversary of his graduation, to talk about his latest release – Shelter.
Johannes Wadin (Might & Delight): Shelter
GAME alumni Johannes Wadin returns to Campus Gotland on the 10 year anniversary of his graduation, to talk about his latest release – Shelter.

Multiplication and addition through binary operations
In order to get more comfortable using bitwise operators such as & | ^ ~ in the course Advanced C++ 2 for games, we received our first sub-assignment. Performing multiplication and addition through binary operations only.
For addition we used the follow algorithm:
We have two integers, 39(0010 0111) and 23(0001 0111).
1. Perform XOR on them and store the results in a new integer we call sum. This will compare the bits of the integer and return a value were the […]

Multiplication and addition through binary operations
In order to get more comfortable using bitwise operators such as & | ^ ~ in the course Advanced C++ 2 for games, we received our first sub-assignment. Performing multiplication and addition through binary operations only.
For addition we used the follow algorithm:
We have two integers, 39(0010 0111) and 23(0001 0111).
1. Perform XOR on them and store the results in a new integer we call sum. This will compare the bits of the integer and return a value were the […]
Analysis report, Gloom and other things in mind
I’ve been trying to write a section of my analysis report today. It took me all day to get down just a few words. I can’t believe how rusty I am at this writing thing.So first things first: I started up by writing down a few topics I need to have in the …
Analysis report, Gloom and other things in mind
I’ve been trying to write a section of my analysis report today. It took me all day to get down just a few words. I can’t believe how rusty I am at this writing thing.So first things first: I started up by writing down a few topics I need to have in the …
Baby steps.
Testing out the new blog I’ve been setting up to use for school thingies. I haven’t really many things to discuss in this post other than I’m super stoked for the rest of the year, can’t wait until I can dig down in a pile of code again! I have been programming for about 4 years but nothing gaming related, mostly arranging numbers and names but hey, I gotta start somewhere right?
Baby steps.
Testing out the new blog I’ve been setting up to use for school thingies. I haven’t really many things to discuss in this post other than I’m super stoked for the rest of the year, can’t wait until I can dig down in a pile of code again! I have been programming for about 4 years but nothing gaming related, mostly arranging numbers and names but hey, I gotta start somewhere right?
Machinations and other things
This week we got assigned to try out something called Machinations. It’s a tool to help you visualize/test a game mechanic you wish to have in your game and for our assignment we were to use it to simulate a resource kind of game, you know, like Settlers …
Machinations and other things
This week we got assigned to try out something called Machinations. It’s a tool to help you visualize/test a game mechanic you wish to have in your game and for our assignment we were to use it to simulate a resource kind of game, you know, like Settlers …
First few weeks at GAME
I have now studied game design at Uppsala University for three weeks, last week and this week I have been feeling like we’re really getting started. We’ve had our first assignment in communications class and I personally found it very difficult to find a subject and writing a bit more scientifically about something artistic. I decided to write my popular science article about Concept Art which turned out quite well and received good critique from my group. The critiquing of […]
First few weeks at GAME
I have now studied game design at Uppsala University for three weeks, last week and this week I have been feeling like we’re really getting started. We’ve had our first assignment in communications class and I personally found it very difficult to find a subject and writing a bit more scientifically about something artistic. I decided to write my popular science article about Concept Art which turned out quite well and received good critique from my group. The critiquing of […]

Mechanics Design Final Product
This is my final resource design for my course Serious Games. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to post the xml file that will make the picture interactive meaning that you can’t run it 🙁
Anyway, the basic idea is that you start with 500 money that you can invest in 2 different options. Energy and property but you can’t invest in property unless you have water and electricity. So you start with investing in energy with which you […]

Mechanics Design Final Product
This is my final resource design for my course Serious Games. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to post the xml file that will make the picture interactive meaning that you can’t run it 🙁
Anyway, the basic idea is that you start with 500 money that you can invest in 2 different options. Energy and property but you can’t invest in property unless you have water and electricity. So you start with investing in energy with which you […]

Mechanics Design Final Product
This is my final resource design for my course Serious Games. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to post the xml file that will make the picture interactive meaning that you can’t run it 🙁
Anyway, the basic idea is that you start with 500 money that you can invest in 2 different options. Energy and property but you can’t invest in property unless you have water and electricity. So you start with investing in energy with which you […]

Mechanics Design Final Product
This is my final resource design for my course Serious Games. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to post the xml file that will make the picture interactive meaning that you can’t run it 🙁
Anyway, the basic idea is that you start with 500 money that you can invest in 2 different options. Energy and property but you can’t invest in property unless you have water and electricity. So you start with investing in energy with which you […]

Sketch Dump 2
I’ve been practising a lot of anatomy the last 2 weeks since I finally got my hands on Albinus on Anatomy, an absolute god-send to character artists. But I’ve also done a lot of environment concepts in my sketch book so that when I’m able to spend more time on them, I can do so in Photoshop. Which I have. Currently working on the last of the four sketches you can see in this dump.TGIF!

Sketch Dump 2
I’ve been practising a lot of anatomy the last 2 weeks since I finally got my hands on Albinus on Anatomy, an absolute god-send to character artists. But I’ve also done a lot of environment concepts in my sketch book so that when I’m able to spend more time on them, I can do so in Photoshop. Which I have. Currently working on the last of the four sketches you can see in this dump.TGIF!

Interview with Ernest Adams
He started with computer games when they were still played on print terminals. Today guest lecturer Ernest Adams teaches students to create the game worlds of the future, where he’d like to see less hate and more women.
Read the paper online. The interview with Ernest is on the last page.

Interview with Ernest Adams
He started with computer games when they were still played on print terminals. Today guest lecturer Ernest Adams teaches students to create the game worlds of the future, where he’d like to see less hate and more women.
Read the paper online. The interview with Ernest is on the last page.

Bla bla bla Hej hej! Här är en bild som jag har gjort. Den är ganska fin tycker jag.
Här kan man skriva lite mer text så ser det ut som jag har något vettigt att säga men det har jag inte just nu. Det var ju kanske tråkigt kan man tycka men det får lov att vara så för jag måste testa och se hur det ser ut.Utfyllningstext bla bla bla.Det här blev ju i […]

Bla bla bla Hej hej! Här är en bild som jag har gjort. Den är ganska fin tycker jag.
Här kan man skriva lite mer text så ser det ut som jag har något vettigt att säga men det har jag inte just nu. Det var ju kanske tråkigt kan man tycka men det får lov att vara så för jag måste testa och se hur det ser ut.Utfyllningstext bla bla bla.Det här blev ju i […]