Monthly Archives: June 2013

Pwning the Swedish Game Awards!
Oh, you didn’t attend the Swedish Game Awards Ceremony 2013?
Let us fill you in: there were 95 entries from almost every game education in the country this year. Three teams from Gotland University.
Guess how many of ours were awarded?
All of them!
Read that again with me. All. One hundred percent success rate. One, zero, zero percent.
Our slightly disturbed game design maestro, Marcus Ingvarsson, were so kind as to record the proceedings. Here’s his compilation of the important bits – […]

Pwning the Swedish Game Awards!
Oh, you didn’t attend the Swedish Game Awards Ceremony 2013?
Let us fill you in: there were 95 entries from almost every game education in the country this year. Three teams from Gotland University.
Guess how many of ours were awarded?
All of them!
Read that again with me. All. One hundred percent success rate. One, zero, zero percent.
Our slightly disturbed game design maestro, Marcus Ingvarsson, were so kind as to record the proceedings. Here’s his compilation of the important bits – […]

Gotland Game Conference 2013 coverage
Inte bara för unga vita män Temat för årets Gotland Game Conference i Visby är hur spelvärlden ska kunna bli mer inkluderande och tolerant när det gäller kön, ras, och sexuell läggning.
tap-repeatedly: Trip Report from the Gotland Game Conference
[…] if you want to hear from many other smart people, it’s worth it to check out the entire speech archive! I would say every speech was worth hearing; highlights include Heidi MacDonald […]

Gotland Game Conference 2013 coverage
Inte bara för unga vita män Temat för årets Gotland Game Conference i Visby är hur spelvärlden ska kunna bli mer inkluderande och tolerant när det gäller kön, ras, och sexuell läggning.
tap-repeatedly: Trip Report from the Gotland Game Conference
[…] if you want to hear from many other smart people, it’s worth it to check out the entire speech archive! I would say every speech was worth hearing; highlights include Heidi MacDonald […]

GGC 2013, photos and more!
We’re particularly proud of this year’s GGC.
Not only did we cover the very important issue of gender inequality in the industry, with a view on solutions, we also delivered such high quality student games, we’re sure to clean up at the Swedish Game Awards.
To try and summarise the presentations would require a post that is very tl;dr. So why not move over to our YouTube Channel and watch them all. You should do them in order, because […]

GGC 2013, photos and more!
We’re particularly proud of this year’s GGC.
Not only did we cover the very important issue of gender inequality in the industry, with a view on solutions, we also delivered such high quality student games, we’re sure to clean up at the Swedish Game Awards.
To try and summarise the presentations would require a post that is very tl;dr. So why not move over to our YouTube Channel and watch them all. You should do them in order, because […]

GGC underway
Lectures are posted throughout the days on our Youtube-channel, and we are live tweeting as GotlandGAME. Join the conversation using #GGConf13!

GGC underway
Lectures are posted throughout the days on our Youtube-channel, and we are live tweeting as GotlandGAME. Join the conversation using #GGConf13!