Daily Archives: March 19, 2013

24-hour lecture circuit
Adam and I are on the plane back from Stockholm – cutting through a massive snowstorm after a long day off the island. We’ve been speaking at Fryshuset Gymnasium and GUC Uppsala.
Three months ago when Fryshuset invited us to talk about ethical games we were brimming with ideas! We would talk about abuse in gaming spaces, exclusion in the industry and culture, bullshit copy protection schemes, bullying, harassment – all of the things!
We spent many late […]

24-hour lecture circuit
Adam and I are on the plane back from Stockholm – cutting through a massive snowstorm after a long day off the island. We’ve been speaking at Fryshuset Gymnasium and GUC Uppsala.
Three months ago when Fryshuset invited us to talk about ethical games we were brimming with ideas! We would talk about abuse in gaming spaces, exclusion in the industry and culture, bullshit copy protection schemes, bullying, harassment – all of the things!
We spent many late […]
Artist's block
Efter helgens intensiva Game Jam här på ön har hjärnan tagit semsester. Jag har halfhjärtat försökt sova ikapp lite men förgäves. Det finns så himla mycket annat kul jag vill göra och ingenting kommer ut ur huvudet. :/
Artist's block
Efter helgens intensiva Game Jam här på ön har hjärnan tagit semsester. Jag har halfhjärtat försökt sova ikapp lite men förgäves. Det finns så himla mycket annat kul jag vill göra och ingenting kommer ut ur huvudet. :/